There was night we walked to Orbsen Building just before you left this rainy country for good. I still keep this picture of yours that try to hold your own picture. Just like how you want to secure your dream but life said differently. You might have to 'surrender' right now. But soon, you will resume the journey you have chosen :)
I guess the road is just under construction
There must be time you felt that the road was so bumpy
It seemed that there was no other way to reach your ultimate destination
I had been in that situation
I know, i feel old right know
But you know what?
The letters are ranging from A-Z
So if plan A was failed you still have plan B-Z
If google map and GPS always have several route options
So as your pathways, dear
If one road ahead was under construction, you can always find other options
Just engrave your dream in your mind and heart
The universe will help you to reroute and find a more convenient road
Exactly the same chance will not appear twice but
Similar and better chance will reveal soon
From unexpected direction ;)
Big Hug,