Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Can we plan our love life using Epidemiological Study designs?

I thought about writing this article since last year. It was triggered by our naughty discussion during our Public Health, especially epidemiology, courses. Special thanks to Hii Yien Ling, Malaysian, and Ailiana Santosa for giving me the inspiration. Now, that we are approaching toward the end of our Public Health Program. We get use to epidemiological design and others are so curious with what this matter about.
Discussing about study design is somehow troublesome or complicated for some of us. You will start thinking something that is difficult and so this is the most hindered subject in our daily conversation. Conversely, Love is the most interesting topic. What will happen if we collide these terms all together? Will it make study design as a favored one? Or will that lower our attention towards love? Well, all i can say is that this article is subjected to bridge you to a basic understanding of study designs in epidemiology field for both advance and beginner levels.
To start with, Epidemiologist always divides research in two types: observation and interventions. In the observation we are not suppose to do something actively. All we can do is observation. It is not the case for intervention design. We are hoped to plan a particular ‘intervention’ and then assess the impact and consequences. Let’s make an agreement that the only outcome of this article is a love feeling.
Cross Sectional design
This is the least recommended design but the cheapest choice you could make, i would say. All we have to do is a snapshot. You just make one intensive approach. Any idea comes in your mind may suit this design well. One intimate conversation or even one gaze, but in a very long duration perhaps =)), maybe is enough to make your heart works harder. It beats faster than ever. That’s what our parents’ say love at the first sight. You do nothing. It is a coincidence, unintentionally. For some people it might work pretty well. You may start thinking about her/him. But i will tell you my friends that it has no meaning if we do nothing. I mean some ‘interventions’ should be planned right after or it will just be your memory and part of your past. That’s why cross sectional has the least value in epidemiological setting.
Cohort design
It is a better approach. We keep following a person continuously. We do surveillance. It might be possible in a case that he/she is our friend, colleague. Any type of relationship that makes you possible to see or contact him/her over the time. It takes weeks, months or even years. But keep in mind that secret admirer are not considered. There is no chance to be a stalker. Non-participatory method is excluded. And not to forget that informed consent is a very important thing in research and love. You have a lot of time to nurture your feeling toward him/her. You might not aware because it is something you do routinely. You just simply take it as granted. But a research always has certain period of time so as relationship. By the time she/he goes, it wakes you up suddenly. You might have another chance but mostly it will not come twice. So why not start seeing people surround you. There always be someone who cares about you. And do something!!

Intervention design
The key hints of this design are intervention and randomization. We do randomization, somehow. We never choose someone to love purposively. We can’t decide that i just want a man/girl in this particular age, race, or exactly him/her. Of course you decide whom to love but that’s after you develop the feeling inside. It can end up with a totally different person. Maybe someone you saw and chatted in the train, your friends, colleague, whatever. But the most important thing is do something. This is a higher level compare with cohort study. Once you do something you will see the outcome difference compare with observation designs. It doesn’t really matter for how long or how many times you do it. Sometimes one romantic dinner or a poetic love letter or even an intimate conversation will be enough.
It might be costly but this is a good approach. Maybe you don’t have enough money or time. So what about to try ‘hit and run’ intervention? It simply means you do intervention for one time only. But make sure you do it with your best effort. I will only recommend you to do this if you have good excuse. Let’s say you have to study abroad or have to move because of your work. But you have the feeling already and you just simply want to let her/him knows the truth. So why not give it a try? He or she might have the same as you. Even if not, it’s nothing to lose.
So which type of ‘study design’ do you prefer? Will this satisfy your thirsty of love in your life? You are the one who should make the decision. And i hope you will have more positive point of view related with study design and your love life. Lastly, keep fighting with our thesis!!

Monday, March 09, 2009


Semalam, 8 Maret 2009, aku mendengarkan radio Swaragama. Beda waktu enam jam dengan Indonesia, membuatku leluasa mendengarkan musik dini hari. Jenis musik yang diputar waktu ini adalah favoritku. Ringan, enak didengar dan mengalun. Djnya seru pula seperti kuis tebak kata. Sang DJ menyebutkan 8 kata dengan awalan S dengan cepat, ”sinten sumerep sate sapi saged singsot suwe sanget”. Aku pernah dengar banyolan ini tapi tetap saja lucu sewaktu mendengarnya.
Sebuah lagu mengingatku akan masa beberapa tahun yang silam. Dinyanyikan ulang oleh Tohpati feat Shakila.

Bulan terangi malam
Diam s'ribu bahasa
Menanti sepercik harapan
Dalam khayalan
Fajar yang berkilau
Datang membuka hari
SinarMu memberi harapan yang bersahaja

Lihatlah warna pada cahaya
Menjadi lukisan pagi
Bukalah renda agar cahaya
Sinari damainya arti kehidupan

SinarMu memberi harapan yang bersahaja

Dengarlah suara dari sanubari
Menuntun arah yang pasti
Sejauh batas pandangan mata
Sedalam hati mencari kedamaian

Lagu ini tidak ada kaitannya dengan ‘cinta’ dan segala macam penghambaan cinta manusiawi lainnya. Sebait lirik sederhana sebagai ungkapan syukur akan hadirnya hari ini. Bahwa matahari akan tetap bersinar serumit dan sesedih apapun nestapa mendera.
Rumahku selalu ramai dengan musik. Berbagai jenis musik kecuali Rock dan musik-musik metal. Jangan berharap mendapat ruang untuk memutar lagu keras di rumahku. Sekitar sepuluh tahun yang lalu setidaknya ada empat jenis musik untuk tiga generasi mengalun di rumah.
Aku mendapat kesempatan pertama karena aku masih sekolah. Nasyid, lagu-lagu rohani. Ada waktu dimana aku sangat fanatik dan ekstrem dalam selera musik. Bahwa musik hanya boleh dalam rangka penghambaan kepada Sang Khalik. Setelah aku berangkat sekolah, kakak sulungku memutar lagu-lagu instrumental atau popnya. Mulai dari Kenny G, Kitaro, Richard Marx, Phill Collin, Katon, KLA Project dll. Kakekku mendapatkan kesempatan ketiga setelah kedua cucunya pergi. Tembang-tembang Jowo dari radionya mulai diperdengarkan. Lalu ketika tiga musik itu menghilang, giliran alm. ayah dan ibuku yang mendengarkan tembang kenangan. Lagu-lagu Titik Sandora, Titik Puspa, Dewi Yull, Rafika Duri mengalun ringan.
Aku ingat ada satu pengamen favorit kami. Ia selalu menyanyikan lagu “setangkai anggrek bulan” tapi dengan nada yang...awhhh sulit dikatakan. Jauh berbeda dari aslinya.
Sering aku bertanya,”Mana pengamen setangkai anggrek bulan, Yah?”.
Rasanya nyaman mendengarkan dia menyanyi sambil menikmati semilir angin di serambi rumah. Oya, sambil minum dawet ayu yang lewat. Whuaaa...lewat dehh segala kerumitan masalah.
Majalah the economist membahas tentang music di Bulan Desem 2008. Kalau remaja Amerika sono mendengarkan lagu selama satu setengah sampai dua setengah jam sehari, maka aku bisa jauh melampaui itu. Music selalu diidentikkan dengan cinta. Kenyataannya memang 40%nya bertemakan cinta. Shakespearean theory mengatakan,” Music is at least one of the foods of love”.
Akhirnya, kalimat Dr Pinker yang akan menutup tulisan ini,”Like real cheesecake, music sates an appetite that nature cannot”.
Pertanyaanku hari ini,”apakah musikmu?”

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Kutemukanmu hari ini

Hadirmu telah lama kurindu
Kurasa aku memerlukanmu
Kukira kau belum ada yang punya
Tak terdengar desah
Darimu atau tetangga
Saat kita bersama
Hingga begitu saja kau menjauh
Apa salahku?
Tapi hari ini
Tak terperi rasa hati
Saat menemukanmu lagi
Kumohon tetaplah di sini
Saringan teh