Sunday, February 27, 2011

I am A Human (Writer) being

It is good to write some notes. You never know when you are going to need those. Well, yeah! Today i found it quite a thing.
October 8th 2010. Four months ago, more or less. I wrote this note.
“Ghost is for those who used to be a human being”, Someone said that in Ubud Writers and Readings festival 2010.
Let me tell you about the festival, first. It was really a pleasant to be a part of those writers and readers. What an atmosphere i would say. It didn’t really matter whether you are famous or not. Or whether you are involved actively or just enjoying the papers. It was fun. What real conversations’ lack is that we could not ask for the full attentions of our counterparts, listeners. This is not the case in writing. Furthermore, we do express our feelings and thoughts without any worry to be disturbed. chance for that.
And the best part is I am a life, i am not yet a ghost. At least i got the confirmation from my friends in one of Detri Inn’s room. Yes, and they who said so are human being, i am sure. Hahaha but let me be straight on this.
I was a ghost (writer) before. I was busy to cover myself up and not to show my name on the papers i worked on. It was so tiring to be a ghost. I gave it in. Maybe, it because i still have a complete soul and body. Alhamdulillah. Thanks God for this.

To be a ghost writer of a former prime minister is fabulous as we could see in the movie. Well, i am not really sure whether that could build our CV up or not but at least we could gain something. And for small..small persons or companies?? It is slavery indeed. Almost no money, no dignity, being in rush all the time and the worst part is write something that you do not want to. Simply because it is not you.
After all, I should celebrate my life and act as what it is as well. If i am acting as a ghost, people will find it difficult to find me and get the offers. I need my real body to talk to others, open the internet, type on the keyboard, and send the works to the publishers. I need my very physical things, so people could trust me and have a lot of fruitful discussions and wonderful chit chats.
Hello! I am here.
I am nothing and i want to be something. Being a ghost will not support my idea to be, even, a thing. Tough, i admit that i got many chances to train myself. This is one consideration why i wanted to be a ghost. To jump from one idea to another is pretty ok. Well, this is not the case of jumping straight away to be a ghost.
At last, to be a ghost is tough. I mean it. So please never put others under this circumstance. In fact, this could happen anywhere, anytime of your life. Even in the most sacred place where the scholars gather, university/ school. If this is your masterpiece you have no chance to tell even to your family. Busy for nothing, what a pity. And if it is garbage, you are considered to be failed. I am worried that you have to redo your works and get less than what the contract has said.
Let’s think these following sentences carefully. Do what you should do! Write what you should write! And search what you want to search. All of us need some processes till we complete our visions. Get it instantly by asking someone else to finish your tasks will give you temporary fake happiness. This is not what you could proud of. Worse, you are taking God’s right to make a person as a ghost. That is too much, dear.


Setyo said...

Kalo jadi zombie writer gimana mbak... =D

Nuri said...

lebih ngeri lagi tuh, Yo. tp menarik dibahas definisinya apa..trus kita buat scriptnya atau novelnya..bisa dipublish lohh? :p